Thursday, December 31, 2009

Goodbye 2009

I can't believe we have made it to December 31, 2009, but it's here so of course we have to do a blog on all that has gone on this past year.  I also can't believe the first decade of the 21st century is coming to end. I remember the last day of 1999 like it was yesterday, gathering Y2K supplies wondering what in the world this new century would hold :) Of course, it has been no different than the centuries before it. It is incredible, though, to look back on these past ten years and think about all that has changed. I was just a silly, boy crazy, 12 year old girl, now I am a much more mature 22 year old getting ready for my wedding to my prince and graduation from college. And in 2019....I'll be in my 30s!! Yikes :)
It's amazing how much can change in 365 days, last New Years I was out with my girlfriends planning how we were going to be single best friends forever and move to New York when we were done with school and be city girls ;) Right after the first of the year, I had an injury that once again sidelined me very close to Boston, I didn't know what this would mean for the biggest race I would ever run and soon enough I found out. After a very short training for Boston, my dad and I made the trip and I finished the Boston marathon. I thought this would be my proudest moment of the year, but then I met Lance 8 days later.  Immediately, I knew I would marry  him.  My parents have always told me they prayed for the man God was preparing for me, and when I met him I would not have a doubt he was "the one". When I met Lance, these prayers were answered.  I have been blessed with a man that exceeds any and all expectations I ever had in a mate and I cannot wait to begin our new life together in 10 weeks (from tomorrow)! After Lance and I started planning our first race together and he put together the hardest training program ever, we began preparation for the Atlanta marathon on Thanksgiving day.  Lance added 2 extra runs to this training program, a trail marathon and a 50K and did great at both.  We trained harder than either of us had ever trained before for Atlanta, and we were so confident for the Atlanta marathon.  After our first 20 mile run, I begin to worry a little.  I started aching worse than ever, in my right hip.  I tried to not let it bother me, but the pain got worse and worse.  In Atlanta, we started off strong and crashed later. Lance and I both finished in pain and learned that it would be best if we didn't run any marathons together in the future.  Lance starts out faster than me, and I finish faster than he does.  After Atlanta, I was ready to redeem my time, so Lance and I registered for the Mercedes marathon on Valentines Day, 2010.  We took some time off before we started training, and I had no idea what was in store on our first training run. Lance and I went for a 10 mile run to begin Mercedes training. After I finished, I knew something was wrong.  I don't make appointments with the orthopedic doctor unless I'm hurting very badly, and I knew this was one of those times. I made an appointment with a doctor at the Andrews Orthopedic Clinic in Birmingham for a day I would be in town during Christmas and anxiously awaited for a diagnosis.  The first appointment left me with plenty of hope I would be back out running in no time, the  word "stress fracture" was mentioned, but I didn't sweat it.  The lovely course my 2009 was taking all changed on that second trip to the doctor on December 28 when I found out my marathon days were over.
Lance has decided to take a few weeks off to try and let his plantar fasciitis heal, and has been planning his races for 2010.  I told him I will be very happy for him, but don't be worried if I get jealous... I want to be out there with him, but I have decided I think it is more important to take care of myself now and learn some new things that won't hurt my hip any further than to be having hip replacement surgery in my 40s. I have already been swimming, and I love it. Yesterday, I swam 2500 meters, which is about 1.60 miles.  I've tried pilates which has left me hobbling around from sore abs and legs, but I am always up for a challenge. Of course, I miss not being able to just hop on a treadmill or go out for a run, especially when I see a really big hill I want to run up, and it stinks knowing it's not a temporary thing.  I am glad, though, that I finally had a doctor that cared enough and was concerned enough to send me for an MRI, I am grateful for him.  I've had hip pain for the past 2 years, and have always thought it was due to something else, I can't imagine how awful it would be if I went 2 more years unchecked.  Although that day was heartbreaking, my year definitely comes out wonderful.  This has still been the best year of my life and I consider everything that has happened a blessing. I have loved everyday of this year.  I have the most amazing friends, the sweetest and most loving family, and a fiance that I can't even describe with words- he completes me.  2009 has been wonderful, and I am sure 2010 would only be better.

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