Sunday, October 18, 2009

Our weekend

Well, normally after a weekend of football like the one we just had, I would say it was an unsuccessful weekend; however, after all the dress drama that has surrounded our house this weekend, we are just glad THE DRESS FITS! :)
The drama began Thursday morning. I was suppossed to have bridal portraits made this past Friday, and I got an e-mail early Thursday morning saying the photographer had hurt her back and was having emergency back surgery, therefore no bridal portraits for a LONG time. The day got progressively worse after that, and finally my mom got to Auburn that evening with THE DRESS. I knew the day would finally get better and all would be made up when I got in my beautiful dress and knew it fit.... well, that could not be the case- too easy. The dress would not zip, actually very far from zipping. Then, not only was I frantic but mom also got the frantic bug. I resorted to tears :( The next morning mom called the lady at the dress shop to see when we could meet with the seamstress ASAP. The lady was shocked the dress was so small, so she offered some advice, to try and pull the top down some and try to zip it again. We figured there was no way a little tug would make such a difference, nonetheless we tried it. To our amazement, THE DRESS FIT! It zipped all the way up! And after a few minutes in the dress, I could breathe again :) It looked amazing, looked like it was made exactly for me. It fit like a glove. So, that was the only success we cared about this weekend!
Our running was a little impaired also. Our goal was to get 16 in Saturday, but that didnt quite happen. I wanted to start at 5 Saturday morning, but Lance insisted on 6. I had to be at the gym for our new pump and rpm release at 8, so I knew we would be have to be booking it to be done in time. We finished in plenty of time with the first 11, then we had a friend who got locked out of his car so we helped him which took way longer than expected because apparently every locksmith is too busy on gamedays to do their job. Anyways, I got lost on the route and jogged a little later, ending up with 13, Lance got 12.
The football game was a disaster, it was cold AND it rained AND Lance and I got stuck in the student section- but I just kept reminding myself the dress zipped!
I am extremely excited about the cold weather! I LOVE to run in this weather, but Lance hates it- this should be an interesting fall/winter :)

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