So, I have been thinking. Here I am at the end (almost) of my undergrad days. I never thought I would finally reach my last semester of college and be so close to graduation, but- THANK GOD- here I am. Graduation is so close, I can smell it. I have been thinking, though, on all that I have learned in these last 4 1/2 years, and I would not trade this knowledge, not necessarily academic knowledge, for anything. I have learned so many valuable lessons, lessons that encourage me to say these last 4 1/2 years are priceless. Yes, an education is ridiculously expensive, but every second has been worth it. I think about my freshman year, in so many ways it seems like that was just yesterday, but also like it was 100 years ago. I was just a baby, so young, scared, and naive. I had no idea what this new world of Auburn would have in store for me. I dreamed and imagined what it would be like, and I told my parents daily I couldn't wait to move out! About a week after living here all on my own, just me and my sweet roommate, I realized how well I had it made back in country Corner. I was determined, however I would make it to the end and one day it would be worth it because I would be an Auburn graduate! I knew one day, that time would come, but it still seemed so abstract and distant. Here I am, it has come and I am so thankful. Thankful for all the hard times and the easy, thankful for all the heart aches and the smiles, thankful for all the love and help, and thankful for all the discoveries I have made and conclusions I have come to. One thing is for sure, the same Lacey that first stepped foot on this campus 11 semesters ago, is nothing like the Lacey who will be holding her degree on this beautiful campus in a few, short months.
I can't hide all that I have learned, it has all helped make me the woman I am today. I learned balance, in life, relationships, family, and leisure. I learned how to live and love without restraint. I learned that making a 'C' is alright, life goes on, and microbiology sucks! I learned true friends will always be there, no matter how many times you "think" you have let each other down. I learned to believe in fairytales and true love, my prince charming really did exist, and is more amazing than I had ever imagined. I learned that I could never be a nurse, and it's ok to change your plans, really our plans aren't that great anyway. I learned a faith that moves mountains and gives life to the dead. I learned how strong I am. I learned nothing is impossible. I learned how amazing the miracles of an almighty God can be. I found my passion. I had my passion taken away, and realized life still goes on. I learned how much I am loved. I learned what an amazing family I have and how blessed I am to have them. I learned who 'Lacey' really is. I learned how to change a flat tire. I learned how to deal with curves life throws you without my mommy or daddy here to hold me and tell me it's going to be ok. I learned I will never be too old to to sit in my mama's lap and cry. I learned it's ok to cry. I learned how to clean, well I'm still working on that. I learned how to be selfless. I learned how to be dependable. I learned how to care for another, well sweet Maximus dog, and we're still alive and kicking. I learned how to come out of my shell. I learned how to meet new people. I learned how to accept diversity. I learned to accept and love people completely different from me. I learned that I am one lucky girl. And finally, I learned how much I love Auburn!
These past few years have been life changing and irreplaceable. It's been wonderful and life will go on afterwards, even better than it is now, with my soul mate by my side. War Eagle!
Lacey, that was beautifully written! I know your parents are very proud of you.