Monday, February 15, 2010

Valentine's Weekend in Corner, AL

This past weekend, Lance and I hit the road again for our last trip to Corner before the wedding. We had a few things to complete and little things to get done, so we packed it all in Thursday-Sunday and headed north :) It was a great trip, we met with our travel agent who is putting our honeymoon together, and we are more excited than ever to be on the beaches of Jamaica! I think we are both thrilled we chose Jamaica over our first decision, which was a cruise.  We are going to need time to rest and relax after the whirlwind of our wedding is over.  Speaking of the WEDDING, only 24 more days to go!CRAZY!! It has snuck up so fast, it seems like yesterday we were 200 days away.  Lance and I were thinking about the upcoming weeks on our drive back from the country, and we have 2 weekends left in Auburn before I leave to go to Corner for the weekend before the wedding.  We have everything we need and in order, now we are just sitting back and waiting for March 12 to arrive :)

Lance surprised me with a sweet Valentine's gift Sunday morning. I forgot to take a picture, but he got me beautiful Auburn bride and groom champagne glasses to put on our Auburn table at the wedding, sweet ;)

Wednesday of this week, Lance and I are taking a trip to downtown Opelika, AL to get our marriage license! Can you believe that, MARRIAGE LICENSE?!?!?  We will definitely have a post with pictures following that day.  We have all our documents in order and ready to go. We wanted to do it today, but it is a holiday, so the court house offices were closed and tomorrow we are both stuck in class the majority of the day. So, we decided to make Wednesday the big day.

Now, we are sitting in Auburn waiting on snow, once again. We got to see a beautiful snow fall this past Friday in the country, it was so lovely. The prettiest snow I have seen in a long time. I must say all this snow makes me long for the beaches of Jamaica even more!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you two had a wonderful Valentines!
    I can't wait to see you again Lacey!!!
