That's right, we are LESS than 2 weeks away from the wedding. Actually, less than 12 days (starting at 7:30pm). Lance and I had a wonderful weekend. My mom was able to come down and spend it with us AND brought us the best gift ever- well, maybe I am a little partial- a Rainbow vacuum cleaner. Just in case you have no idea what I am talking about, I can sum it up by saying it is the greatest vacuum cleaner that has ever been made. I have never been so thrilled about a vacuum in my whole life. Lance and also moved all of his belongings into our place this weekend, so that called for some rearranging. I was so proud of myself. I have a beautiful daybed that my parents got for me when I came to Auburn 5 years ago. It has always been in my bedroom, which is going to become mine and Lance's room after the wedding, so the bed had to be moved to the guest room. I got 3 sets of tools out and got to work. I took the bed completely apart and put it back together ALL BY MYSELF, and it is still standing :) I am still celebrating that feat!
On Saturday, some of the instructors I teach with gave Lance and I a shower. A couple who I teach with had it at there beautiful new home, and did an amazing job putting it all together. It was a tailgating themed couples shower, so we got some precious Auburn and grilling goodies. The sweet couple who hosted, Richard and Amy, are so precious and special to Lance and I! We had a great time and are so grateful to everyone who joined us!
I have one more week left here in Auburn before I pack up and head to Corner for wedding week! I have a test on Tuesday, and do not care at all about it. I try to study, and all my brain can process is that I will be marrying my sweet, amazing, wonderful sweetheart fiance in 12 short days!!!! I am so excited! Everything is done, we are just waiting on March 12 to roll around. Finally! I never thought we would get so close!!!
One more thing, CONGRATULATIONS to one of our close friends, Blake. He ran the New Orleans marathon this morning and qualified for Boston with a time of 3:13:13!!!! We are SO HAPPY for you, Blake!!!!!!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
Is something different??
Did you notice anything different? Well, I decided to change our blog title. I know, the first one was sweet and all, but I admit, it was a little cheesy. Lance kind of halfway agreed to it, I kind of liked. It was alright at first when we couldn't think of anything else. And, beware, it may change again one day in the future. We will always keep you guessing :)
Why did I change it? It may be as equally cheesy, but I am the queen of cheesi-ness. Ask me later about some of my proudest moments coming up with run through signs for football games. My favorite was when we played another school who also had yellow jackets as their mascot and I came up with "Our stinger is bigger than yours". I do have pictures, I'm not kidding :) Anyways, anyone who is in "the know" with the wedding planning, knows that I have made our theme "Cinderella/Fairytale". Often times, I am referred to as "Cinderella" and our wedding as "Cinderella's wedding". I know this cannot be because I am in the least bit high maintenance.... I was asked what I wanted it to look like, and very innocently, I said., "A fairytale." I know this doesn't make too much sense yet. Well, and here I have a confession... I love the Taylor Swift song "Love Story" especially this part...
"Well, I got tired of waiting,
Wondering if you were ever coming around.
My faith in you was fading,
When I met you on the outskirts of town.
And I said,
Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting for you, but you never come.
Is this in my head, I don't know what to think,
He knelt to the ground,
And pulled out a ring and said,
Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone.
I love you, and that's all I really know.
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress,
It's a love story, baby just say yes."
I sing it really loud (and completely out of tune) whenever I hear it, but I really like it. I have had it in my head on repeat for about 10 months now, and out of nowhere today it seemed like a good idea to rename our blog.
I could have just renamed the blog title and see if anyone caught it, but now the whole world knows I love Taylor Swifts "Love Story" :) ...Another random fact for you!
Why did I change it? It may be as equally cheesy, but I am the queen of cheesi-ness. Ask me later about some of my proudest moments coming up with run through signs for football games. My favorite was when we played another school who also had yellow jackets as their mascot and I came up with "Our stinger is bigger than yours". I do have pictures, I'm not kidding :) Anyways, anyone who is in "the know" with the wedding planning, knows that I have made our theme "Cinderella/Fairytale". Often times, I am referred to as "Cinderella" and our wedding as "Cinderella's wedding". I know this cannot be because I am in the least bit high maintenance.... I was asked what I wanted it to look like, and very innocently, I said., "A fairytale." I know this doesn't make too much sense yet. Well, and here I have a confession... I love the Taylor Swift song "Love Story" especially this part...
"Well, I got tired of waiting,
Wondering if you were ever coming around.
My faith in you was fading,
When I met you on the outskirts of town.
And I said,
Romeo, save me, I've been feeling so alone.
I keep waiting for you, but you never come.
Is this in my head, I don't know what to think,
He knelt to the ground,
And pulled out a ring and said,
Marry me, Juliet, you'll never have to be alone.
I love you, and that's all I really know.
I talked to your dad, go pick out a white dress,
It's a love story, baby just say yes."
I sing it really loud (and completely out of tune) whenever I hear it, but I really like it. I have had it in my head on repeat for about 10 months now, and out of nowhere today it seemed like a good idea to rename our blog.
I could have just renamed the blog title and see if anyone caught it, but now the whole world knows I love Taylor Swifts "Love Story" :) ...Another random fact for you!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Random Facts
So, I had a creative idea tonight...I love to go back and read my Boston blog ( and see how much I have changed in such a short time. One thing I put on that blog that was SO MUCH fun was a random facts post. I'm going to try it again, and this time I am making Lance do one as well :)
Here we go :)
1.I am EXTREMELY geographically challenged... and it's bad. Not too long ago, Lance had to take an evening and explain to me that Alaska and Hawaii are not beside each other....
2. I have accepted the fact that I am no longer a marathon runner, and it's almost a relief. I feel like I can have a life again.
3. I don't have a favorite color. My color preferences seem to change with the season
4. I am kind of crazy when it comes to holidays. I want to decorate and celebrate every holiday that appears on the calendar. I pray I never own a vest to match these holidays, though. Someone please stop me if I go that far.
5. I really don't like the stories I hear of Lance's rock star days, but love to see the pictures of him playing.. such a stud!
6. I'm over school, 5 years in the same program with the same unorganized professors is about all I can handle. I do love my major, though, and hope to really use it to make a difference one day.
7. When I came to Auburn, I told my mom I was going to sit outside of the engineering school everyday until I met a cute engineer :) Well, I guess it's a good thing I've been here so long. Lance is my sweet engineer, and he was well worth the wait.
8. I don't eat meat. I hope I never have to eat meat again. It makes me nauseous. I discovered this while working in a school lunchroom for a class I have to take and I had to prepare A LOT of meat sauce for spaghetti.. it was so much I had to use a "paddle" to stir it. YUCK!
9. My best friend, Linnzie, and I have been best friend for 21 years. I don't think many people are nearly that lucky.
10. I always swore when I got married that I would drop my middle name because I have never liked it. However, as I matured, I realized the beautiful meaning behind that name. In 18 days, my name will be Lacey Jean Allums Haney... you got it, the middle name will stay forever.
11. In addition to #10, I have always thought it would be so cool to have 4 names. I am finally going to be that cool person :)
12. I don't mind washing clothes, but I HATE folding them and would rather visit the laundry basket everytime I need something than take the 5 minutes to fold them all.
13. I LOVE to grocery shop. This does not mean I like Wal-Mart, I hate Wal-Mart. I like to go to real grocery stores, especially whole foods. WF is up there with shoes stores on my list. I love to make my lists and clip coupons :)
14. The greeter at the Auburn Wal-Mart, who is there when I seem to visit, really makes me angry. He made me pull my receipt out for a WATERMELON that wasn't bagged once, while someone else walked out the door at the same time with a plasma TV!! UGH!
15. Yes, I have a couple related to #13. When I make grocery lists, I organize them to fit with the layout of the store. This causes many arguments when I am with my mama, because we ALWAYS forget something because it was out of order.
16. My New Year's resolution this year was to quit neglecting myself of my morning coffee. Life around me has been much easier since.
17. I LOVE to cook, and I never use recipes. I make all of my recipes up in my head, sometimes they turn out, sometimes they are awful. It's a learning experience either way.
18. My biggest fear is being in a plane crash while flying over the ocean and being eaten by a shark. Clearly, I wouldn't be conscious by the time of the shark attack, but I don't use a lot of reason.
19. I can't remember names. It's the worst trait I have. I am very good at saying "Hey, girl!" just because I don't remember your name. It's nothing personal, I just stink at it.
20. One of the sweetest days in my life was when I rescued sweet Maximus from the shelter. He has made my life happier everyday since.
21. My favorite tv show is Biggest Loser. Every season premier, I plot a lot of lifestyle changes that would allow me to gain 150 lbs so I could apply for the show. Like I said before, I lack reason often.
22. I can never remember how old I am. I often pause when asked my age, because I honestly do not remember. Somehow I got stuck at 16.
23. This is pathetic, but I have to watch E!News at least 2-3 times each week, even if I have to catch the reruns the next morning at the gym because Lance says it "Kills his brain cells" when he watches it.
24. I love chocolate. I could eat chocolate on everything. I am not exaggerating. I would put it on tofu if I didn't think Lance would gag at me.
25. Whenever I hear songs that used to be part of one of our old cheerleading routines, I will break out the dance, and if I can't remember the entire dance, I call Linnzie. 9 times out of 10, we can figure it out. Then, that will probably lead to a round of cheers, dances, and old cheer memories. Ah, when life was so simple :)
And, here are Lance's random facts :) Be prepared to laugh OUT LOUD, especially if you have only known Mr. Serious Lance for a couple of years.
1. had bright blonde hair in 8th grade
2. had really long hair, down to my shoulders for my high school senior picture
3. had 1 ear pierced in middle school... I was cool
4. got both ears pierced as a senior in high school
5. made a C in my first college math class
6. made a C in my first college physics class... glad I kept trying :)
7. love Penn State but hate PA winters
8. tried to be a rock star as a senior in high school... failed :)
9. tried to be a rock start after graduating from Penn State... came
really close!!!
10. played a gig on a Friday night in New York City at a club owned by
Slash and Scott Weiland
11. had a 6 figure income for 1 year of my life... paid A LOT of taxes that year
12. bought a house when I was 24 then sold it when I was 26
13. got kicked out of middle school... I was a real trouble maker as a kid :P
14. love basketball but stopped growing taller when I was in 8th grade :(
15. my first rock concert was seeing Green Day when I was in 8th grade
16. I get lost while driving very easily, especially in Atlanta
17. because of all the running I do, I currently only have 9 toe nails :)
18. I can not sleep if the bed sheets are tucked in, I have to pull them out
19. I almost never ate vegetables until I met Lacey, now I'm a vegetarian
20. when I move, I usually give away my furniture instead of moving it with me
21. the mascots of the three universities I have attended are Lions,
Tigers, & Bears (Penn State, Auburn, Mercer)
22. within the first year I really starting running, I ran 2 half
marathons, 2 full marathons, 1 trail marathon, 2 50k ultra-marathons
23. I am working on a PhD and can NOT spell very well
24. when I talk to my mom, my southern dialect becomes much more noticeable
25. my Mom said she thought I would end up finding me an Alabama
woman, just like her brother did... moms always know :)
That was challenging, but fun. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!!! And, just in case you don't believe Lance was a rock star, here is a picture to prove it. Like I said, such a stud!!
Here we go :)
1.I am EXTREMELY geographically challenged... and it's bad. Not too long ago, Lance had to take an evening and explain to me that Alaska and Hawaii are not beside each other....
2. I have accepted the fact that I am no longer a marathon runner, and it's almost a relief. I feel like I can have a life again.
3. I don't have a favorite color. My color preferences seem to change with the season
4. I am kind of crazy when it comes to holidays. I want to decorate and celebrate every holiday that appears on the calendar. I pray I never own a vest to match these holidays, though. Someone please stop me if I go that far.
5. I really don't like the stories I hear of Lance's rock star days, but love to see the pictures of him playing.. such a stud!
6. I'm over school, 5 years in the same program with the same unorganized professors is about all I can handle. I do love my major, though, and hope to really use it to make a difference one day.
7. When I came to Auburn, I told my mom I was going to sit outside of the engineering school everyday until I met a cute engineer :) Well, I guess it's a good thing I've been here so long. Lance is my sweet engineer, and he was well worth the wait.
8. I don't eat meat. I hope I never have to eat meat again. It makes me nauseous. I discovered this while working in a school lunchroom for a class I have to take and I had to prepare A LOT of meat sauce for spaghetti.. it was so much I had to use a "paddle" to stir it. YUCK!
9. My best friend, Linnzie, and I have been best friend for 21 years. I don't think many people are nearly that lucky.
10. I always swore when I got married that I would drop my middle name because I have never liked it. However, as I matured, I realized the beautiful meaning behind that name. In 18 days, my name will be Lacey Jean Allums Haney... you got it, the middle name will stay forever.
11. In addition to #10, I have always thought it would be so cool to have 4 names. I am finally going to be that cool person :)
12. I don't mind washing clothes, but I HATE folding them and would rather visit the laundry basket everytime I need something than take the 5 minutes to fold them all.
13. I LOVE to grocery shop. This does not mean I like Wal-Mart, I hate Wal-Mart. I like to go to real grocery stores, especially whole foods. WF is up there with shoes stores on my list. I love to make my lists and clip coupons :)
14. The greeter at the Auburn Wal-Mart, who is there when I seem to visit, really makes me angry. He made me pull my receipt out for a WATERMELON that wasn't bagged once, while someone else walked out the door at the same time with a plasma TV!! UGH!
15. Yes, I have a couple related to #13. When I make grocery lists, I organize them to fit with the layout of the store. This causes many arguments when I am with my mama, because we ALWAYS forget something because it was out of order.
16. My New Year's resolution this year was to quit neglecting myself of my morning coffee. Life around me has been much easier since.
17. I LOVE to cook, and I never use recipes. I make all of my recipes up in my head, sometimes they turn out, sometimes they are awful. It's a learning experience either way.
18. My biggest fear is being in a plane crash while flying over the ocean and being eaten by a shark. Clearly, I wouldn't be conscious by the time of the shark attack, but I don't use a lot of reason.
19. I can't remember names. It's the worst trait I have. I am very good at saying "Hey, girl!" just because I don't remember your name. It's nothing personal, I just stink at it.
20. One of the sweetest days in my life was when I rescued sweet Maximus from the shelter. He has made my life happier everyday since.
21. My favorite tv show is Biggest Loser. Every season premier, I plot a lot of lifestyle changes that would allow me to gain 150 lbs so I could apply for the show. Like I said before, I lack reason often.
22. I can never remember how old I am. I often pause when asked my age, because I honestly do not remember. Somehow I got stuck at 16.
23. This is pathetic, but I have to watch E!News at least 2-3 times each week, even if I have to catch the reruns the next morning at the gym because Lance says it "Kills his brain cells" when he watches it.
24. I love chocolate. I could eat chocolate on everything. I am not exaggerating. I would put it on tofu if I didn't think Lance would gag at me.
25. Whenever I hear songs that used to be part of one of our old cheerleading routines, I will break out the dance, and if I can't remember the entire dance, I call Linnzie. 9 times out of 10, we can figure it out. Then, that will probably lead to a round of cheers, dances, and old cheer memories. Ah, when life was so simple :)
And, here are Lance's random facts :) Be prepared to laugh OUT LOUD, especially if you have only known Mr. Serious Lance for a couple of years.
1. had bright blonde hair in 8th grade
2. had really long hair, down to my shoulders for my high school senior picture
3. had 1 ear pierced in middle school... I was cool
4. got both ears pierced as a senior in high school
5. made a C in my first college math class
6. made a C in my first college physics class... glad I kept trying :)
7. love Penn State but hate PA winters
8. tried to be a rock star as a senior in high school... failed :)
9. tried to be a rock start after graduating from Penn State... came
really close!!!
10. played a gig on a Friday night in New York City at a club owned by
Slash and Scott Weiland
11. had a 6 figure income for 1 year of my life... paid A LOT of taxes that year
12. bought a house when I was 24 then sold it when I was 26
13. got kicked out of middle school... I was a real trouble maker as a kid :P
14. love basketball but stopped growing taller when I was in 8th grade :(
15. my first rock concert was seeing Green Day when I was in 8th grade
16. I get lost while driving very easily, especially in Atlanta
17. because of all the running I do, I currently only have 9 toe nails :)
18. I can not sleep if the bed sheets are tucked in, I have to pull them out
19. I almost never ate vegetables until I met Lacey, now I'm a vegetarian
20. when I move, I usually give away my furniture instead of moving it with me
21. the mascots of the three universities I have attended are Lions,
Tigers, & Bears (Penn State, Auburn, Mercer)
22. within the first year I really starting running, I ran 2 half
marathons, 2 full marathons, 1 trail marathon, 2 50k ultra-marathons
23. I am working on a PhD and can NOT spell very well
24. when I talk to my mom, my southern dialect becomes much more noticeable
25. my Mom said she thought I would end up finding me an Alabama
woman, just like her brother did... moms always know :)
That was challenging, but fun. Hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!!! And, just in case you don't believe Lance was a rock star, here is a picture to prove it. Like I said, such a stud!!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Marriage License
This past Wednesday, Lance and I went to get our marriage license! It was a very exciting day that we have been looking forward to for a long time now. I have had it in my planner since probably August, and it has seemed so far away for so long, then all of a sudden it was here. I don't have class on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday (pitiful, I know), so we just had to have a good day that was easy for Lance to get away from lab. Initially, we had planned to go on Monday, but Monday was President's Day so we figured the courthouse would be closed. Wednesday was a good day, Lance had lab meetings that morning, and it would be simple for him to get away from lab for the rest of the day once his meetings were over. We had been so excited and looking forward to it all week. That morning, I went to the gym early, then came home and got ready for our big marriage license day. I picked out a special outfit, had a full face of make up, fixed my hair perfectly, even wore uncomfortable shoes. When Lance got in from campus, we couldn't wait, so we hit the road to the Opelika courthouse. I had a folder of all of our legal documents. I must have forgotten we are getting married in Alabama where you can marry your brother if you want.... We got to the courthouse, aimed with camera and our important folder, I was expecting this to be a BIG DEAL. We found where we were supposed to go, and walked in to the correct area. After aimlessly standing for a few minutes and waiting for one of the ladies at the computers to get the priviledge to give us our marriage license, a lady finally asked if she could help us...and she did not seem nearly excited enough to get to help us, but it didn't look like we would have another chance at help. She asked for our drivers license, social security numbers, and parents' names. She printed out a form and we signed to verify our information was correct. Then, she handed us an envelope with a document and said, "This is your marriage license, information is inside for your name change. Have a good day. Congratulations." (Notice I punctuate all of that with periods) THAT WAS IT?!?! We didn't need any of our important information in the folder that was so nicely organized? Nope. Apparently it's not as big of a deal to the Probate Judge's office as it is me. However, we DO have our marriage license! I was going to upload a picture, but it does have our SS# printed boldly and I'm not taking that risk :) We are so excited, and thrilled that in LESS than 20 days we will be married!!! It seems unreal at how fast the past few months have flown by, but I am so thankful they have.
On another note...I have been thinking a lot lately about life and all the plans I had that didn't work out. Of course, now I am so glad none of those plans worked out and I am so thankful I am not the one controlling my own destiny. Lance and I talk a lot about life after Auburn, it excites me and scares me at the same time. I am terrified of where we may end up living because I am not a fan of being out of my comfort zone, but that is what makes us stronger in the end. I am excited, however, for all of the new experience we will have and the memories we will make together. I have began to pray for God's will in this next phase in our lives. Yes, it may be a few years away, but I just want to know that our plan is God's plan in this situation. I ask you do the same, also. I won't worry, I won't spend time trying to figure out what WE want, instead I want to spend my time in prayer knowing that the best choice for us will easily be revealed.
One more thing, today is a special birthday day in our lives. Happy Birthday to my almost mother in law, Mary. And our sweet little Maximus is 4 years old today! He has had a month long of celebrations. He got some of his favorite nylabones, and will probably get more. Today, he got a special "boys day" with his daddy and trip to the park and a treat when he got home. Now, he is curled up asleep under a warm blanket right beside me as I type this blog...what a hard life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEET BABY MAXIMUS!!!! This is a picture of him in his birthday present from his Gran, a blue snuggie :)
On another note...I have been thinking a lot lately about life and all the plans I had that didn't work out. Of course, now I am so glad none of those plans worked out and I am so thankful I am not the one controlling my own destiny. Lance and I talk a lot about life after Auburn, it excites me and scares me at the same time. I am terrified of where we may end up living because I am not a fan of being out of my comfort zone, but that is what makes us stronger in the end. I am excited, however, for all of the new experience we will have and the memories we will make together. I have began to pray for God's will in this next phase in our lives. Yes, it may be a few years away, but I just want to know that our plan is God's plan in this situation. I ask you do the same, also. I won't worry, I won't spend time trying to figure out what WE want, instead I want to spend my time in prayer knowing that the best choice for us will easily be revealed.
One more thing, today is a special birthday day in our lives. Happy Birthday to my almost mother in law, Mary. And our sweet little Maximus is 4 years old today! He has had a month long of celebrations. He got some of his favorite nylabones, and will probably get more. Today, he got a special "boys day" with his daddy and trip to the park and a treat when he got home. Now, he is curled up asleep under a warm blanket right beside me as I type this blog...what a hard life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SWEET BABY MAXIMUS!!!! This is a picture of him in his birthday present from his Gran, a blue snuggie :)
Monday, February 15, 2010
Valentine's Weekend in Corner, AL
This past weekend, Lance and I hit the road again for our last trip to Corner before the wedding. We had a few things to complete and little things to get done, so we packed it all in Thursday-Sunday and headed north :) It was a great trip, we met with our travel agent who is putting our honeymoon together, and we are more excited than ever to be on the beaches of Jamaica! I think we are both thrilled we chose Jamaica over our first decision, which was a cruise. We are going to need time to rest and relax after the whirlwind of our wedding is over. Speaking of the WEDDING, only 24 more days to go!CRAZY!! It has snuck up so fast, it seems like yesterday we were 200 days away. Lance and I were thinking about the upcoming weeks on our drive back from the country, and we have 2 weekends left in Auburn before I leave to go to Corner for the weekend before the wedding. We have everything we need and in order, now we are just sitting back and waiting for March 12 to arrive :)
Lance surprised me with a sweet Valentine's gift Sunday morning. I forgot to take a picture, but he got me beautiful Auburn bride and groom champagne glasses to put on our Auburn table at the wedding, sweet ;)
Wednesday of this week, Lance and I are taking a trip to downtown Opelika, AL to get our marriage license! Can you believe that, MARRIAGE LICENSE?!?!? We will definitely have a post with pictures following that day. We have all our documents in order and ready to go. We wanted to do it today, but it is a holiday, so the court house offices were closed and tomorrow we are both stuck in class the majority of the day. So, we decided to make Wednesday the big day.
Now, we are sitting in Auburn waiting on snow, once again. We got to see a beautiful snow fall this past Friday in the country, it was so lovely. The prettiest snow I have seen in a long time. I must say all this snow makes me long for the beaches of Jamaica even more!!!!!
Lance surprised me with a sweet Valentine's gift Sunday morning. I forgot to take a picture, but he got me beautiful Auburn bride and groom champagne glasses to put on our Auburn table at the wedding, sweet ;)
Wednesday of this week, Lance and I are taking a trip to downtown Opelika, AL to get our marriage license! Can you believe that, MARRIAGE LICENSE?!?!? We will definitely have a post with pictures following that day. We have all our documents in order and ready to go. We wanted to do it today, but it is a holiday, so the court house offices were closed and tomorrow we are both stuck in class the majority of the day. So, we decided to make Wednesday the big day.
Now, we are sitting in Auburn waiting on snow, once again. We got to see a beautiful snow fall this past Friday in the country, it was so lovely. The prettiest snow I have seen in a long time. I must say all this snow makes me long for the beaches of Jamaica even more!!!!!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Very Long Update
Yes, it has been a VERY long time since our last blog update. Why haven't we updated, you may wonder....well, we haven't had too much spare time to sit down and write an interesting blog. The wedding countdown is down to 32 days! We are so excited, and cannot wait for our BIG DAY! A lot has been going on since our last post. I'm very excited, and going to start incorporating pictures into our posts :)
I had my lingerie and bridal showers in Corner last weekend. I don't have the lingerie shower pictures yet, but will post some when I get a copy of the picture cd. They were both so lovely, and I realized how loved I am by my hometown :) Here are some pictures of the bridal tea at my church:
I had a great time! Here is Linnzie and I trying to sort through all the was a little overwhelming!
Everything was lovely, we had the greatest time. The big stack on the right side is all of the Fiesta place settings I got, oh I was excited! I couldn't ask for a better best friend to stay with me all weekend and help me with everything! And she got the cutest new dress for the shower :) If I haven't mentioned it already or if you haven't figured it out, Linnz is my maid of honor. We have been best friends since we were 2 years old and been inseperable since then. We have planned our weddings together since we knew what a wedding was. We used to perform wedding ceremonies together in my parent's living room when we were little girls and make my brother, Luke, marry my size Barbie :) Neither of us can believe it's actually time for one us to have a REAL wedding! She's been the biggest help and greatest supporter.
I have also been busy with a new toy I LOVE!!! I wanted to get a hard floor cleaner with some of the money we recieved at the shower. I looked and fell in love with the Shark products! I didn't stop at just getting the floor mop, but I also purchased the hand help steamer. They are both amazing, and come highly recommended. I have steamed everything in this house, excluding Lance and Maximus. I have the best time with it, and the greatest thing is that is sanitizes also!! That was definitely my selling point. If you're looking for a new past time, buy a Shark steamer, it will keep you busy :)
Lance has also been very busy! He has set a date for his proposal, and had his plan of study approved by all the faculty on his committee! YAY!! If everything goes as planned, we will be departing from Auburn in May 2011. It's been great here, but I think we are both ready for a change and to move our lives together. He is working so hard and spending all day, everyday in the lab. I am not going to try and describe what he's doing because I am not anywhere near the intelligence level he is, and I am completely unfamiliar with materials engineering, therefore I would butcher his important research. The one thing I do understand is that he is getting readings now that he understands.... and that's really good! I am so proud of Lance and am so grateful he is such a dedicated and hard worker.
As for my education, I have decided to not get my Master's here at Auburn. There are not any assistantships available, so I would have to pay the full tuition price- which is A LOT! And, honestly, none of the nutrition department faculty seem to have any idea what is going on. I have a feeling I would get stuck here another five years, and we definitely do NOT want that. After graduation, I am going to try to use my degree and get a job, I'm hoping maybe something like WIC, then when Lance starts applying for jobs,we are going to pick out places that also have close by internships so i can apply and hopefully complete my dietetic internship. Then, I will be eligible to take the RD exam and be a registered dietitian. A VERY lengthy process for a title that pretty much gets no respect and low paying jobs, but that just seems to be where my passion lies. We're are just praying and knowing that the right opportunity will come along.
We are both back to impact activities. Lance started running again a few days ago, and is slowly increasing his mileage. His feet seem to be holding up well. Today was my 6 week mark for my stress fracture to heal, so I tried a step/cardio class this morning and my stress fracture area felt fine. I had a slight discomfort in my hip, but I am very excited that I can at least add a little bit of impact in my workouts. I'm hoping a couple of times a week won't do any damage. Good news!!!
So that's what our lives have been like. It's exciting knowing the wedding is so close. Our invitations were actually put in the mail today :) In no time, we will be saying our "I dos". HOORAY!!!! I promise I'll be better about updating... I've been slacking, this I know :)
I had my lingerie and bridal showers in Corner last weekend. I don't have the lingerie shower pictures yet, but will post some when I get a copy of the picture cd. They were both so lovely, and I realized how loved I am by my hometown :) Here are some pictures of the bridal tea at my church:
This was the first time I have actually seen our colors together in a big setting. I thought it came out beautiful and am so excited to see how beautiful and perfect it all comes together in the wedding!
We had 7 different cakes, each complete with a cinderella carriage name plate :) They were (L-> R) mandarin orange, coconut, chocolate, red velvet, peanut butter, cheesecake, and italian cream. All were amazing!
My BEST friends since, at least, high school! Jenn, Heather, Me, Channing, Linnzie, and Erika. Jenn, Channing and Linnzie are 3 of the 4 bridesmaids and Heather and Erika are going to sit at the sign in book. I love these girls to death!
I had a great time! Here is Linnzie and I trying to sort through all the was a little overwhelming!
Everything was lovely, we had the greatest time. The big stack on the right side is all of the Fiesta place settings I got, oh I was excited! I couldn't ask for a better best friend to stay with me all weekend and help me with everything! And she got the cutest new dress for the shower :) If I haven't mentioned it already or if you haven't figured it out, Linnz is my maid of honor. We have been best friends since we were 2 years old and been inseperable since then. We have planned our weddings together since we knew what a wedding was. We used to perform wedding ceremonies together in my parent's living room when we were little girls and make my brother, Luke, marry my size Barbie :) Neither of us can believe it's actually time for one us to have a REAL wedding! She's been the biggest help and greatest supporter.
I have also been busy with a new toy I LOVE!!! I wanted to get a hard floor cleaner with some of the money we recieved at the shower. I looked and fell in love with the Shark products! I didn't stop at just getting the floor mop, but I also purchased the hand help steamer. They are both amazing, and come highly recommended. I have steamed everything in this house, excluding Lance and Maximus. I have the best time with it, and the greatest thing is that is sanitizes also!! That was definitely my selling point. If you're looking for a new past time, buy a Shark steamer, it will keep you busy :)
Lance has also been very busy! He has set a date for his proposal, and had his plan of study approved by all the faculty on his committee! YAY!! If everything goes as planned, we will be departing from Auburn in May 2011. It's been great here, but I think we are both ready for a change and to move our lives together. He is working so hard and spending all day, everyday in the lab. I am not going to try and describe what he's doing because I am not anywhere near the intelligence level he is, and I am completely unfamiliar with materials engineering, therefore I would butcher his important research. The one thing I do understand is that he is getting readings now that he understands.... and that's really good! I am so proud of Lance and am so grateful he is such a dedicated and hard worker.
As for my education, I have decided to not get my Master's here at Auburn. There are not any assistantships available, so I would have to pay the full tuition price- which is A LOT! And, honestly, none of the nutrition department faculty seem to have any idea what is going on. I have a feeling I would get stuck here another five years, and we definitely do NOT want that. After graduation, I am going to try to use my degree and get a job, I'm hoping maybe something like WIC, then when Lance starts applying for jobs,we are going to pick out places that also have close by internships so i can apply and hopefully complete my dietetic internship. Then, I will be eligible to take the RD exam and be a registered dietitian. A VERY lengthy process for a title that pretty much gets no respect and low paying jobs, but that just seems to be where my passion lies. We're are just praying and knowing that the right opportunity will come along.
We are both back to impact activities. Lance started running again a few days ago, and is slowly increasing his mileage. His feet seem to be holding up well. Today was my 6 week mark for my stress fracture to heal, so I tried a step/cardio class this morning and my stress fracture area felt fine. I had a slight discomfort in my hip, but I am very excited that I can at least add a little bit of impact in my workouts. I'm hoping a couple of times a week won't do any damage. Good news!!!
So that's what our lives have been like. It's exciting knowing the wedding is so close. Our invitations were actually put in the mail today :) In no time, we will be saying our "I dos". HOORAY!!!! I promise I'll be better about updating... I've been slacking, this I know :)
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